Healer/Booth sign up

Healer/Booth sign up

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I invite you to join us for The Energy Elevation, the second annual May community show at Ema’s Elegance at 807/809 Story St in Boone Iowa. I have larger spaces upstairs (there is no elevator and it is not insulated) or 6-8ft spaces downstairs available.

My goal is to bring healers, readers and holistic alliances together in one space twice a year here in BOone. I hope to offer this every May and November.

This event will run Friday May 2nd from 4-8, you are not REQUIRED to participate on Friday, it is simply an extra opportunity to book appts. You can set up starting at 12pm Friday. Saturday, May 3rd the event will run 10-4pm, with set up beginning at 8am. Saturday are the hours that will be pushed. I will email you but please let me know what days you will be there. If you end up booked we can stay later Saturday 

Please note that while I understand things may pop up I will not refund any vendor fees, this is simply because 100% of what comes in goes straight to advertising! I want this to be successful for everyone.

You may book clients before the event if you so choose, there is no cover fee to enter but there will be a donation jar available for those that wish to give. IF you choose to pre book PLEASE make sure you have payment and contact information.

By paying for this space you agree that Ema’s Elegance and Gemini Moon have no responsibility towards any theft, damage or broken goods. You MUST carry your own insurance. Neither Ema’s Elegance or Gemini Moon guarantee any sales or any projected financial gain. You are welcome to simply promote yourself as well.

Please feel free to email emaselegance@gmail.com with any questions or comments.

Thank you! These events are successful because we all work together!